Well after lockdown things went quiet but a couple weeks ago I had a call from someone calling herself "Ellie" at Bristol City Council. She told me that she was in the area and wanted to carry out a "property inspection". I'd had one in 2022 but cleared everything in the house out of the way -they take photos of the water boiler, electricity box and gas fire and tick the boxes to make sure everything is in order or whether it needs repair.
On the appointed day "Ellie" turned up with no ID ("I left it in the car") and despite the Council Covid protocol; no face mask. I showed her things that needed repairing I was still waiting after 4 years (ceiling in bathroom) and 7 years (broken sink etc) but she did not seem that interested though she took a photo of the sink and told me to "Keep reporting the repairs until they get done" which seemed odd as that was one reason she was supposed to be calling around for.
As she was leaving she said "Oh, I'll just check that was everything" followed by "I was talking to your neighbours in front last week and they complained about nettles in their garden". So then I realised what she had really called around about. I pointed out that I had no nettles in my garden and showed her the only corner of the garden that had bramble growing and showed her the bramble I had cut back. I pointed out that there were no nettles in my garden.
I also pointed out that the council, because of her husband, had forbidden me in writing three times from gardening within 1.5m of the wall. That got a half hidden smirk out of her. I pointed out that the council had told she and her husband and myself that someone would be in each year to maintain that part of the garden. I also pointed out that if it had not been for this my planters and tubs of plants that had to be removed by council order would still be there and bramble cut down as it appeared.
When I first moved into the property I helped the old lady who was living in that property cut back the nettles that were a well established clump. The next old lady that moved in had her daughter regularly cutting away at the nettles. The nettles are NOT on my property.
When the current tenants took over the property they cut down the buddleia tree and placed two sheds in the area where the nettles grow. I explained all of this to "Ellie" who said "okay" and was happy with the fact that I was cutting the brambles (which cannot be seen by anyone unless in my garden or looking over the fences). "Ellie" did say that to keep the brambles in check she would check into what the council can do -the brambles were in the soil dumped here when the property was built so not something I planted or encouraged.
That was it. I waited for "Ellie" to get back to me about the repairs but nothing and when I talked to someone at the council about the re[pairs I pointed out to "Ellie" I was asked "Ellie who? That's a common name" and I told them I had no idea since she just said "Ellie" and had no ID with her. I was then told off for allowing someone saying they were from the council into my home with no ID and not following covid protocol!
Today (4th September) I received a letter from the council with the subject clearly visible in the address box as "Breach of tenancy Agreement" which could be seen as very embarrassing. The letter was from Eleanor Howard -I assume "Ellie" since she mentioned her recent visit but there was one outright lie: "When I visited recently I recall that we did have a discussion about maintenance of the garden, and I did note that it was very overgrown" The conversation was about repairs then her 'suddenly remembering' the nettles and she was shown what I had cut back. At no point did she state that the garden was overgrown -it is not just the one bramble corner.

I ought to point out that a couple months before the council sent a senior housing officer around with a tree surgeon to look at a poplar tree I was concerned over. There followed a discussion about the mix of trees and how I managed to grow certain shrubs and bushes (mostly flowering) and I asked "Does it look like a problem to you?" and the email I received from the Mayor's office that same day stated that it was all sorted and that no problems existed (9/11/2022)
"Dear Terry,
Thank you for
your message of 17 February and for your patience while I replied.
My office
referred your case to the responsible department for review and now understands
that our Trees and Woodlands Manager was able to visit today to meet you and
undertake an inspection of the tree. He has shared his professional assessment
of the tree with my team, as with you, and I hope this provides reassurance.
Thank you once
again for getting in touch.
Kind regards,
Marvin Rees
Mayor of Bristol"
In fact, even better than that, back at the start of June another council officer ("Mike") had called regarding some repairs that needed carrying out. While we were talking in the garden Mike said there were a lot of small birds coming in and out and added "It says on your file yours is a wildlife orientated garden" and that is correct as previous council officers have also told me that. I am, after all, a "renowned naturalist" and there are hedgehogs, slow worms, frogs and even the occasional grass snake and wall lizards. So, yes, tidy but aimed at wild life.
I have not complained about the new neighbours and their shouting and smashing things or their yappy young dog and noisy visitors.
The fact that Ms Howard only identified herself as "Ellie" and did not state that she was coming here about nettles and then lies outright about discussing my "overgrown garden" is bad enough. She was being deliberately deceptive. Also no ID -breach of council regulations. No face mask (I wore mine) or "safe distancing" as the council outlines in its letters. She is also the first council officer to clearly identify WHO made a complaint.
From now on ANY council officer calling at this property will be filmed for my own legal safety since there is a long and documented history (including a written apology from former head of estate management Paul Bannerman over outright lies told by two council officers) of not telling the truth about what was discussed with me. Also, Ms Howard notes that she spoke with me but writes: "We have received an allegation that a member of your household, lodger or visitor has been responsible for the following breach of tenancy conditions" yet she knows I am the only person here other than my sister who has had a stroke and I look after -she found all of this out in her first phone call when she asked questions re myself, my sister and various other personal details.
Oh I am going to make sure everything is filmed from now on and forwarded to my solicitor.
My email to the Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees, Head of Estate Management and Estate officer dated 9th September, 2023:
I am contacting the parties concerned regarding what can only be called ongoing harassment by Bristol City Council itself. I hope that you take a serious look at this situation as it has gone on for 28 years (that is not a typo).
A couple weeks ago I had a call from someone calling herself "Ellie" at Bristol City Council. She told me that she was in the area and wanted to carry out a "property maintenance inspection". I'd had one in 2022 but cleared everything in the house out of the way -they take photos of the water boiler, electricity box and gas fire and tick the boxes to make sure everything is in order or whether it needs repair. This would have been the third such inspection since lockdown stopped.
On the appointed day "Ellie" turned up with no ID ("I left it in the car") and despite the Council Covid protocol; no face mask but I was wearing mine. I let her into the house and showed her things that needed repairing -I was still waiting after 4 years (ceiling in bathroom) and 7 years (broken sink etc) but she did not seem that interested though she took a photo of the sink and told me to "Keep reporting the repairs until they get done" which seemed odd as that was one reason she was supposed to be calling around for.
As she was leaving she said "Oh, I'll just check my phone in case I forgot anything" followed by "oh, I was talking to your neighbour in front last week and they complained about nettles in their garden". So then I realised what she had really called around about. I pointed out that I had no nettles in my garden and showed her the only corner of the garden that had bramble growing and showed her the bramble I had cut back. I pointed out that there were no nettles in my garden by pulling back the bramble.
I also pointed out that the council, because of the neighbour’s husband, had forbidden me in writing three times from gardening within 1.5m of the wall. An area housing officer even measured the distance with a tape measure and realised that I was right and that 1.5m would include one entire side of the house. That got a half hidden smirk out of her. I pointed out that the council had told the Hancock’s and myself that someone would be in each year to maintain that part of the garden. I also pointed out that if it had not been for this my planters and tubs of plants that had to be removed by council order would still be there and bramble cut down as it grew.
Back in 1994 when I moved into 85 Risdale Road, in Ashton Vale, I did so on the council promise that the 50ft x 70ft garden that had chest high bramble that grew out into and across the street would be cut back. It was not. Instead, as I was carrying in boxes I got a phone call from the council about complaints over my garden and that I was breaching the tenancy agreement by7 not maintaining it. I explained that I was just moving in, etc and was told I still had to clear the bramble (it eventually took five months). I also got a written warning. From 1994 until I moved out of Risdale Road I received up to 2-3 warnings from the council about maintaining the garden. Every time an housing officer came out and reported back that there was no problem and the garden was being maintained. One year the number of ‘complaints’ totalled four and the same council officer visited and in 1999 told me that he was going to put on file that the garden was fine and that if there were complaints this often then they were malicious.
The warnings and ‘complaints’ -the council asked repeatedly could never produce any evidence of a complaint having been made. I moved to the current property in 2004 and since then (first week) I have received the same warnings and visits and one EVERY occasion there has been no upholding of any complaint.
Re. The property in from (195) when I first moved into the property I helped the old lady who was living in that property cut back the nettles that were a well established clump. The next old lady that moved in after that tenant had her daughter regularly cutting away at the nettles. The nettles are NOT on my property.
When the current tenants took over the property they cut down the buddleia tree and placed two sheds in the area where the nettles grow. They also tore down branches on my elder tree without asking and would not even respond when I said hello to them. I explained all of this to "Ellie" who said "okay" and was happy with the fact that I was cutting the brambles (which cannot be seen by anyone unless in my garden or looking over the fences) and I even showed her the pile of bramble I had cut back waiting to be removed. "Ellie" did say that to keep the brambles in check she would check into what the council can do -the brambles were in the soil dumped here when the property was built so not something I planted or encouraged.
That was it. I waited for "Ellie" to get back to me about the repairs but nothing and when I talked to someone at the council about the repairs I pointed out to "Ellie" I was asked "Ellie who? That's a common name" and I told them I had no idea since she just said "Ellie" and had no ID with her. I was then told off for allowing someone saying they were from the council into my home with no ID and not following covid protocol!
Today (4th September) I received a letter from the council with the subject clearly visible in the address box as "Breach of tenancy Agreement" which could be seen as very embarrassing. The letter was from Eleanor Howard -I assume "Ellie" since she mentioned her recent visit but there was one outright lie: "When I visited recently I recall that we did have a discussion about maintenance of the garden, and I did note that it was very overgrown" The conversation was about repairs then her 'suddenly remembering' the nettles and she was shown what I had cut back. At no point did she state that the garden was overgrown -it is not just the one bramble corner.
I ought to point out that a couple months before the council sent a senior housing officer around with a tree surgeon to look at a poplar tree I was concerned over. There followed a discussion about the mix of trees and how I managed to grow certain shrubs and bushes (mostly flowering) as well as varieties of ivy and I asked "Does it look like a problem to you?" He said it was well maintained and that my file states mine is a wildlife orientated garden. After the visit I received an email from the Mayor's office that same day stated that it was all sorted and that no problems existed (9/11/2022)
"Dear Terry,
Thank you for your message of 17 February and for your patience while I replied.
My office referred your case to the responsible department for review and now understands that our Trees and Woodlands Manager was able to visit today to meet you and undertake an inspection of the tree. He has shared his professional assessment of the tree with my team, as with you, and I hope this provides reassurance.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
Kind regards,
Marvin Rees
Mayor of Bristol"
In fact, even better than that, back at the start of May another council officer ("Mike") had called regarding some repairs that needed carrying out. While we were talking in the garden Mike said there were a lot of small birds coming in and out and added "It says on your file yours is a wildlife orientated garden" and that is correct as previous council officers have also told me that. I am, after all, a "renowned naturalist" and there are hedgehogs, slow worms, frogs and even the occasional grass snake and wall lizards. So, yes, tidy but aimed at wild life.
I have not complained about the new neighbours and their shouting and smashing things or their yappy young dog and noisy visitors. Drilling, screaming, shouting and loud music and drinking sessions in the garden in front of my fence so they cannot be ignored.
The fact that Ms Howard only identified herself as "Ellie" and did not state that she was coming here about nettles and then lies outright about discussing my "overgrown garden" is bad enough. She was being deliberately deceptive. Also no ID -breach of council regulations. No face mask (I wore mine) or "safe distancing" as the council outlines in its letters. She is also the first council officer to clearly identify WHO made a complaint.
From now on ANY council officer calling at this property will be filmed for my own legal safety since there is a long and documented history (including a written apology from former head of estate management Paul Bannerman over outright lies told by two council officers) of not telling the truth about what was discussed with me.
Also, Ms Howard notes that she spoke with me but writes: "We have received an allegation that a member of your household, lodger or visitor has been responsible for the following breach of tenancy conditions" yet she knows I am the only person here other than my sister who has had a stroke and I look after -she found all of this out in her first phone call when she asked questions re myself, my sister and various other personal details. I even showed her my shaking hands -I have also had a stroke. I pointed out to her that I garden and always maintain things but had been hit by covid in early May and almost died and was going through long covid -this on top of the fibromyalgia and diabetes. I also pointed out that I have post traumatic stress disorder and it can be sparked by stress and loud noise and can bring on long bouts of agrophobia.
To ignore all of this is either not listening or not really caring.
I have no idea why a visit under pretence of one thing was followed by a letter so inaccurate in what happened on that visit. I am 67 years old now and 28 years of this is more than enough and had the covid lockdown not occurred my solicitor was going to prepare a case over this.
From now on I will NOT speak to any council official by phone and all communication should be in writing. I am going to make sure any future visits are filmed from now on and forwarded to my solicitor. Some 28 years of harassment is enough -it is all documented on my blog going back to 2012 also if you ever want the link.
T. Hooper
I awaited the response knowing that Bristol City Council had sent out correspondence therefore would have copies. The reply I got from BCC complaints dept is concerning:
" Dear Mr Hooper
Your complaint about harassment from Bristol City Council and the actions of your Housing Officer
Thank you for your communication telling us about your complaint, received on 11 September 2023. This response is provided at Stage One of the Council's complaints procedure.
Prior to responding I have spoken to your Housing Officer, requested title plans for the property and looked at the documents we hold on file regarding your tenancy.
Firstly I apologise that you have felt the need to make an official complaint about the actions of your housing officer during the tenancy visit in July- the officer in question should have offered to retrieve her ID from her car and wear PPE when entering a property if you were wearing a mask. Officers do carry PPE with them and I have reiterated this to the officer.
From looking at the documents we hold on our system I can see that you have expressed dissatisfaction previously in the way officers have tried to address any reports received about your garden at 203 Ashton Drive. Condition 2.19 of the tenancy agreement states that: You must maintain your garden including any hedges and trees, a Housing Officer does have to send a standard letter and visit a property if any reports are received that shrubs in a garden might be impacting on neighbours and causing damage to shared boundaries or fencing.
I am not suggesting that written confirmation has not been sent but I can find no reference to the Council writing to forbid you from gardening within 1.5 metres of the wall and can find nothing to indicate that this area is separate on the title deeds and would be the responsibility of the Council to maintain on a yearly basis. We have agreed for contractors to clear parts of the garden previously as it was suggested there was some confusion as to what was your responsibility but it would be your responsibility as the tenant to maintain the garden when it was cut back to a manageable level.
As an officer does have to investigate any reports received I do not feel it is appropriate for you to film any interactions with Council employees but I do understand that you may well be seeking your own legal advice regarding this matter.
In order to try and help with the issues you have reported I have requested the outstanding repairs noted are addressed and you will be contacted separately by the Council's Repairs team about this. In addition if you feel you do need help in cutting back brambles or have not been clearing certain areas of the garden as you felt it was the Council's responsibility and you were told you could not clear it then I will ask a team within the Council to help with this and you would not be charged.
If you still have a copy of any documentation confirming you can not garden within 1.5 metres of the boundary wall and/or that the Council is responsible for maintaining this area of the garden if you could please forward it for my attention and I will ensure it is saved prominently against your account. If you could also please confirm if you would like me to ask the team for help.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can ask to progress to the next stage of the Council's complaints procedure. You should provide clear reasons why my response has not resolved your complaint and what action you request as a resolution.
If you wish to request an escalation, please do so by contacting the Customer Relations Team - ideally within 20 working days of receipt of this letter - by emailing complaints.feedback@bristol.gov.uk
Or by post to:
Customer Relations Team (CH)
PO Box 3399
BS1 9NE"
This is concerning since I had an apology from Paul Bannerman who was head of Estate Management in 2016 as well as having been shown copies of other correspondence by other council officials. According to this email all of those letters have not been filed and do not exist in the council file on me -just the complaints and not a single one of the notes clearing me of any complaints made.
I have explained that as far as I am concerned I will ignore future letters and any visits will be filmed. Really, none of this surprises me when it comes to Bristol City Council.