Friday, 29 September 2017

Life Would Be So Much Easier

Wednesday 27th at 16:14hrs a person not identifying themselves from Bristol City Council phones. Rent arrears. I repeat that this has been going on for years now, gets sorted but then starts again and six tomes this year.

Oh, really?  Well she will try to sort it out (blames another agency) but then says twice, as if trying to bluff me, that "We" will carry out a check on myself and account etc.

And after two phone complaints, two online forms filled out, my wheelie bin still has not been emptied ~after a month.

Bristol City Council is either THE most incompetent or, as three people have now pointed out, targetting me for harrassment and after all these years I don't know why or care.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Continuing Harassment

First thing: one week on and nothing from the Council re the complaint against me. So, no case again. Not a word to tell me whether a warning was given ~as promised~ that malicious complaints would not be tolerated....or to say she even came around that week.

Today, this makes...I just checked, 7 times in 2017, that I have received another Council letter threatening legal action over my non Payment of a rent debt that has never existed and that has been the case every time.

So now...more letter writing.

This is harassment.

Thursday, 14 September 2017


14:30 hrs the day after the Council official was due to visit the complaining neighbour and let me know if there WAS a reason for the complaint or if she had warned about malicious complaints....


That's...5 times (?) this year.

The Council puts NOTHING in writing just phones so that way nothing to show a solicitor.  From now on it's "But the matter in writing so that it can be forwarded to my solicitor. Thank you." and phone goes down.

Why are they scare about my recording their visits?


Monday, 11 September 2017

As If Proof Of Harassment Was Needed


Rent arrears that do not exist.

And today, around 17.30hrs....a call from the council about ANOTHER complaint

We've had wind and rain since last week but when it was good I cut brambles and weeds for burning, did tidying up and waiting for the weather to improve to finish things off before Winter.

So....I just had a call from the council. A complaint about the state of my garden. As I said to my sister ~I garden and THEN the malicious little s~~~s complain. Every time without fail.

Council woman noted that her boss had put in the record that I was regularly harassed. Other visits ~no problem. She's visiting the "complaintee" on Wednesday. If she cannot see a major problem she is going to warn about malicious complaints.

Of course she will.

If a problem she'll come see me.

I told her that any problem the city council can concrete over the garden which only has a 7ft 2m) by 3 ft (90cms) strip of 1" (2cms) deep soil over....concrete. Through which the bramble grows.

21 years of complaints and all the visits and all the "no problem with the garden".

I'm getting too old for this shit over and over every year.

Oh, and no explanation as to why the last council official simply failed to turn up and never even phoned to cancel.

 above hedgehog nest

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Fourth Time....

For the FOURTH time this year and it's only September, more letters from Bristol City Council about rent arrears that do not exist.

Since I made it clear that more 'anonymous complaint' visits would lead to legal action no more of those.  Just "You are in arrears.  Each and every time I say "Take it to court and meanwhile I'm contacting my MP"....they suddenly discover its an error.  No apologies and always someone elses fault.

Explain to me how this is not harassment?