Saturday, 18 November 2017

Bristol City Council Has Crossed The Line AGAIN

In July, I told the Council officer who contacted me, Lisa Joyner, that I had now had enough after 21 years of complaint after complaint against me and there being no foundation to them.  I told her I would be waiting with my solicitor on the arranged day.  She never turned up, telephoned or wrote, That speaks volumes as to what has been going on.

I mentioned in a previous post that a council official telephoned in October ~another 'complaint'.  I was told that she would visit the people complaining and IF there was a problem she would get back to me.  If no problem she would warn about malicious complaints.  I heard nothing,

Less than a month later, Lisa Joyner (again) writes about out of control bramble and there having been a "patch inspection".

1. There is a 6 feet (2m) width of bramble in which there are, at ground level, hedgehogs. In the upper branches are nesting dunnocks and these birds are on the Amber List (hedgehogs are counted as endangered now, too).  There is also a wren nest.  As a naturalist I keep notes as well as take photos. The existing bramble is vital habitat.

2. At the back of the bramble is a concrete panel fence well over 6ft (2m( in height. The bramble is under this.  To the side is a 6ft plus wooden fence.  HOW was the bramble inspected?

3. No council officer called on me or knocked on my door and I am working by the window facing the gate and side path. In other words the person complaining or carrying out the "patch inspection" did not do so from within the garden.

4. In the photographs you will note that the bramble (first photo taken Friday and the bramble is behind the tree ~if you have read my wildlife posts you'll have seen this a number of times) and is not out of control.  You will note the bramble piled and spread around the ground sheet from recent gardening (we have had gale force winds so things look a bit messy).  This is the only bramble patch in the garden.

5. Again, note how the Council is complaining about garden maintenance at the time of my doing gardening ~the tools are around the garden.

6. Odd that a Council "patch inspection" is the reason this time since I made it clear that I and my solicitor would demand evidence of any alleged complaints in future -names of complainee and or which property claims a problem.

This is now over 21 years and I am posting the Council letter.  I have a thick folder of correspondence including apologies from the council in the past over false complaints. On Monday 20th I shall be writing an official complaint to the Head of Estate Management and giving the link to this blog. I shall no longer be responding to alleged 'anonymous' complaints.  The council will need to take legal action and then my case will be presented.

I should point out that there ARE six overgrown gardens in the block I live in and that includes bramble growing out onto the path.  No "patch inspections" noting those ~just my garden again.

A line was drawn and has been repeatedly crossed so now is the time for Press/TV attention to Council harassment of a tenant.

Oh the previous council officer I spoke to was told HOW I was planning to try to kill off the bramble and we discussed this. 

 Above: Note the clear signs of gardening ~branches etc. propped up.  Also note the bramble in the back is NOT over grown
 Above: The bramble etc cut and placed on the ground sheet to dry before burning.  "Patch inspection" never noticed this
Above the concrete fence in the background and wooden fence are clearly seen (bramble looks a bit higher as I had to duck under a tree branch to take the photo.
Beflow the Council letter