Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Bristol City Council

At the beginning of May I opened my back gate (main property entrance) and fell over. Yet again a neighbour had builders dump rubble up against a gateway.  On this occasion they had also dropped the delivery note which identified which neighbour and more importantly which company employed morons who block a gateway -it had to be deliberate because it makes no sense with so much empty space to tip out a load in front of a used gateway.

So I sent an email to Lisa Joyner and Paul Bannerman at Bristol City Council on 13th May:

 After my last complaint regarding builders rubble etc was ignored because I did not take photographs I have just done so.

 Our new neighbours since moving in have fenced off some 6 feet of the drive outside the back gateway and attached a wooden fence to mine, without asking and ignoring what I was saying. This has resulted in the wooden fence to this property warping and the gateway post being pulled out of position so that I now have to use two screws to close it every time I use it.

The neighbour consistently reverses his car into the fence and has caused damage I repaired but now has made a big hole in the fence.

The last straw is my opening the back gate to go out and finding two huge heaps of concrete have been dumped AGAINST the gateway while there is plenty of empty space.  But, no, we're seen as inferior because he feels he is private and therefore he can do what he wants to.

I am sick to death after 22 years of the council harassing me about my garden while neighbours get away with threatening behaviour, malicious complaints and treating myself and this property as they like.

I have posted a note asking -politely- that they remove the heaps asap. I believe the address is 189? Ashton Drive.

I look forward to Bristol City Council protecting the rights of one of its tenants this time around rather than private householder.

Photographs are attached.

Automatic replies showed that BOTH got the email.  Here we are on the 6th June and still not a word.  However, it was interesting that, considering I noted  in the email that the fence was constantly being damaged, that when workmen appeared they hit the fence several times and laughed and said out loud "Oops! More damage to the fence!" And there was a second witness to this sat with me in the garden.

How would workmen -friends of the neighbour involved- know that I had told the council about damage caused to the fence?

On previous occasions builders have tidied  up before a council visit re. a complaint and made it clear that this was obly "until after the council visit"?

Two phone messages left for Ms Joyner -not one call back.

Bristol City Council claims that if a neighbour is causing problems it does not matter if he/she is a private householder or not. Just from documented incidents at this property since 2004 that has proven to be untrue. The Council WILL harrass you because of 'anonymous' complaints from private neighbours that prove groundless but then go through all the motions again a few weeks later. I, as a council tenant, make a complaint not one single thing is done.

If this does not prove the city council has been deliberately harrassing me then nothing ever will.

And the material dumped outside my front gate by neighbours that Ms Joyner and others stated they would have removed over 6 years ago....still there.

And the deep furrow in the laneway that a number of people have fallen over -after 7 years still there. And, yes, I fell over it and have the bruises.  Bristol City Council...don't care.