Saturday, 14 December 2019

Before anyone asks...

Yes, there was a council contact after my last posting!

The phone rang and a woman identified herself -NOT by name- as calling from Bristol City Council. I was ready but rather than any non-existent complaint or follow up about repairs I was asked whether "as you've experienced problems at the property" I might consider moving.  There were two properties becoming available after Christmas "Both outside Bristol". 

I asked WHICH problems she was referring to but she ignored me and described both the available properties as "very nice". I said I was NOT considering moving.  I then moved on the out-standing repairs and the gap in the roof.  "Oh that's not my department. No hole in the rooves of the two properties on offer though!"

I then asked for her name -which she did not like and avoided.  I then told her I had to be insistent that she identify herself.  I was told that if I was not interested in either property the conversation was over".  I put the phone down first 😜😜

No doubt there is 'no record' of the call, the offer of rehousing or anything else as per usual. Maybe I need to lawyer up?

Any lawyers working for free out there?

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Beyond Coincidence?

I had a bad night and did not get to sleep until around 0700 hrs. I was woken by the recycling crew once more throwing my recycle bins against the gate/fence -I appear to be the only householder getting such selective special treatment.

Anyway, I went back to sleep and then the door bell rang.  When I write "rang" I mean it rang in the sense that the person doing the ringing appeared to have no idea that you did not have to repeatedly ring it until the door opens.

I was tired and my head was throbbing and my eyes were bleary. There stood two scruffy dressed individuals -one with a Bristol Council logo on his top.  "Here to clear your guttering" he told me while playing with his phone. I pointed out that a month ago I cleared the gutterings as no one had called as promised. "Done it have you? Looks chock-a-block"  I told him again I had done the guttering but like some very annoying door-to-door salesman he would not let it go.  I explained that I was NOT going to stand on a cold wet doorstep. It was done. "Mind if I make a phone call?" he asked -I pointed out he could use his phone whenever he wanted and the matter was done with. He started his talk again and I told him to "Take it up with the council" and shut the door.

I got back to bed feeling very unwell and then the phone began to ring continuously. I got up and answered the phone "Hello. I'm calling from Bristol City Council repairs" (the ones that DO NOT talk to you on the phone "unless its an emergency"). She told me "We've got two plumbers outside your house---"  at this point I interrupted her.

I explained about having had a phone call before (she sounded exactly the same as that caller) and explaining that I had already cleared the guttering and that I was offered three dates -I declined all three and was told the 'repair' would be cancelled.  I also explained that I had had a bad night been woken by the "plumbers" and then woken by her. FOUR times she asked if I wanted the guttering done as the plumber stated it was "chock-a-block". Fourth time I told her the conversation was over and she cancelled the non-existent appointment.

Here is the thing, like the council surveyor who came to look at the roof and attic and brought no ladder or torch the two plumbers were just standing there -no equipment. Walking along the lane from my house later I looked back and could not see into my under roof guttering and I am a good 3 inches taller than the plumber. From my gateway I could not see upwards and then downwards into my guttering.  From my doorstep looking up at the guttering (and I am a full 3 inches taller than the plumber was) I could not see up and over then downward into the guttering. How could he see that it was "chock-a-block" full of debris?  The answer is that he could not.

Why turn up at a house where there is an alleged guttering clearage arranged without even the most basic equipment to check guttering or do the work?

I posted about the City Council and problems and then I got messed about the very next day by the Council.  Coincidence.  A second time I posted and the Council got in touch next day with pointless messing around. Coincidence. I post yesterday and today I get the council plumbers calling about a non existent appointment. Three times is beyond coincidence.

I did, incidentally, mention to the council caller that all I was expecting was a roofer to look at the gap in my roof. No idea what I was talking about.  No interest.

Let's see what happens tomorrow!

Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Still no sign of a roofer to check the gap in the roof.

The ceiling damage from the water that came in? "As the tenant that is your responsibility"

The external guttering that is set too high and up under the roof so any flooding of guttering comes into the house? Apparently ALL guttering is fitted to a standard but only mine pours watering in under the roof.

So while Bristol City Council slaps itself on the back over its high housing standards the reality, as this blog shows, is far from that.

Those who contacted me and explained they are too afraid to complain as council officers have told them their homes might be at risk -ie they'll be evicted if they kick up a fuss- all I can say is document everything and see a solicitir to protect your rights as a tenant.  You DO have rights as a tenant!

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

How Odd

After yesterday's posting I got a phone call from Bristol Council repairs. They wanted to arrange for someone to clear my gutterings after 12th December.  I pointed out that someone should have been here two weeks ago so did it myself to avoid further water leaking in.

Usual 'apology' followed by "backlog" excuse.

I asked about the water damaged ceiling, wall and the gap in the roof. After 5 minutes of checking -nothing. No record.

Exactly as I predicted and this MUST indicate that Bristol Cioty Council are "doctoring" its official repairs record.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Not even the glimmer of an apology.

As a follow up, yes, someone did turn up to "look" at the leaking ceiling. He only came up to my shoulders so my idea of having a step ladder was handy (no, he never identified himself but had his council jacket on).

I showed him the bathroom ceiling and he looked and told me "yeah, that's water coming through". I was greatly relieved at that point as I had thought I had ectoplasm leaking in. That was sarcasm.  He had no idea why a water blister (water building up between the wall and paint) had formed twice but told me "We'll keep an eye on that"

He then told me that he had to go back to his van to get a ladder -I pointed to the one leaning against the wall under the attic door...he then had no torch but luckily I did.  He got to the top of the steps and shone the torch over the interior above where the water was coming in. "Looks dry and damp free" he told me.  As he had not entered the attic nor felt the roof I had my doubts.

He then said "You're supposed to have a hole in your roof -looks okay"  and so I told him to turn to the right and look up. "Oh. Right"  He saw the gap along the roof ridge.

he then went out -I took the step ladder in case and he decided he needed to check the guttering so "good call" on my part :-) I was told the guttering was clogged up and the water was spilling back into the house causing the leak.  He told me he would get someone out to clear the gutters -something I normally do every year since the council does not bother now. "I'll book it for beginning of next week. I'll also have a roofer call around to check that gap"

Off he went.

Two weeks later and I have cleared the guttering.  Absolutely no one has called around and the repairs people could not talk with me on the phone as they "only deal with emergencies".

I wonder whether a report was made or, like all the others, including the alleged past surveys, all have vanished from the record?

So there you go....oh, the council DID contact me again by phone but the individual did not identify themselves ("we don't have to give out that information for personal security") but wanted to warn me about my excessively loud music. After chattering on about the tenancy agreement (which the council NEVER upholds its end on) I asked if I might now speak?  I explained that the person she wanted lived in the property in front of mine -the music goes with the drinking and heavy pot smoking.  Name? What address number?  I have no idea but I said "They own the property -its not council" to which all interest was lost "Oh. Then that is out of our hands" and that was it. Not even the glimmer of an apology.