Interestingly I had a letter from Eleanor Howard of Bristol City Council to state that she had written letters (this was the first I had received so the others I assume are imaginary since BCC seems to lose any documentation that makes them look like bad landlords). She will be calling on 23rd February to AGAIN inspect my garden after more complaints. This is regarding the front fence and bramble that does not go over any fence -last time I was told that there had been a complaint of nettles in this persons garden. My advice was that she should cut them.
We have had one storm after another, torrential rain and -2 temperatures over the winter (and another visit from Covid) but the garden is in current winter die back so I am sending photographs of the garden -I will be honest and state that three bramble branches are high (about 6ft) but are bending back into MY garden and none are going into the neighbor's.
Myself and visitors have noted that the occupant of the house in front is behaving "unusually" and having spoken to locals I found out that she had a bad reputation when she lived a couple streets away.
This constant "We received a complaint" since the day I actually moved into my previous property in 1995 is ridiculous and in 29 years not one single letter or evidence has been produced to back this up. In fact, the Council claims that it cannot find any of the correspondence or emails between myself and BCC before 2020.
Not even the warning that I was breaching tenancy agreements by not clearing my access driveway of heavy furniture...I do not have a driveway and photographs of the pathway to the house proved no heavy furniture existed.
Not even the warning of eviction I was handed for non-payment of rent which, as soon as I contacted my MP, it was suddenly found that all the paperwork "was in a folder". Or the third time I was told I was being evicted despite being my sister's carer -again for non rent payment which, at the very last minute when a legal notice was being drawn up to get access to those records.... "the documents were found in a folder"
Well, Ms Howard may well visit me on 23rd February but she will be getting absolutely no cooperation from me -a broken sink and guttering that pours rain water onto the ceiling (despite now 9 surveyor inspections) since 2019 is still unrepaired.
Oh, and those previous complaints about my garden that were followed by inspections? Letters from the person inspecting the garden stated that there was no problem.
oh, I shall be filming the inspection.
On 17 02 2024 I wrote to Ms Howerd to tell her I would not be home on the 23rd and sent three photos taken in the presence of two witnesses that shows the fence in question has no bramble growing over it -in fact I forgot that I had actually cut it back from the fence area late last year. The problem lies with the neighbor about whom I will write no more.
Anything after this IS pure council harrassment