I would like to start by pointing out that my case is NOT unique. I have spoken to a lot of long time Bristol City Council tenants who have had similar problems -but not the full harassment- to those I have recorded. The problem is that these people are scared to kick up a fuss.
Not surprising since my local Labour MP Karyn Smith did not even bother to offer assistance when asked -and my family have always been staunch Labour supporters going back to both grand parents. My MP seems far too fond of travelling to other counties to get press coverage and forgets WHO voted for her and WHAT area she is supposed to represent.
And so Bristol City Council continue to offer a very poor service to its tenants -I for one am happy spending what time I can these days in my garden and trying to relax. I do not like complaining or being the victim of admitted harassment.
I would urge any tenant of Bristol City Council with a problem to make them known and not put up with it in silence. BCC prides itself on being "Right on" landlords and championing the environment (in the press and on radio and TV) and criticising private landlords for the very things they do.
Speak up.
Mild irritation. BCC and its recycling is a joke. My kitchen waste and black bin often go without being collected for 2-3 weeks (the maximum was over one month). My neighbors have their recycling collected -in fact one chased after a recycling crew member on one occasion to hand him my recycling that he had totally ignored. My waste bin and black box was not returned.
BCC has just brought in cardboard waste bags to keep everything separate. The crew member came and took my waste and black box but did not even look at the very large blue cardboard recycling bag. By the time I got outside he was gone.
I made a complaint and was told that BCC would like a photo of the contents of the recycling bag -I was told the day before that as a missed collection it would be picked up Thursday by 12 noon. It is now Friday, 10:45 am and the waste is still there. No, I am not taking photos of now soaked through card for the recycling team -all the card packaging is clearly labelled "recyclable" anyway -the crewman NEVER even looked at the bag. So I make a formal complaint and here are some of the questions I am asked as a tenant BECAUSE some work shy council employee did not do his job:
What is your sexual orientation?
Have you undergone gender reassignment or are you considering it?
What is your religion?
What is your ethnic background?
There were others but I think that is adequate here. The question is what the hell does any of that have to do with a very poor recycling service?
My bet is the cardboard recycling will be left until next collection -this is what happens 100% of the time with missed waste collection. BCC recycling is a joke.
Major annoyance. I finally got my home in order after years of having to move everything around for BCC for one thing or another and for 4 electrical surveys. I was told in September by SSE contractors that the council had ordered a full electrical survey in October. I contacted SSE and told them when I had already had these surveys (supposedly every 6-10 years). I was told that BCC had insisted the survey was carried out or I was breaching my tenancy agreement (apparently the tenancy agreement ONLY works for BCC -I can prove that).
I contacted Head of Estate Management Mr Paul Bannerman and explained about previous surveys -he cannot deny receiving the email as I got the receipt confirmation back (automatic). Not a word back just SSE stating that BCC had insisted on the survey.
So everything was moved from switches, plugs, light fittings (I live in a bungalow so not much room). Two electricians came to carry out the survey and one asked me when the last survey was. I said 2017 and got a puzzled look and was told that no stickers or documents showing checks were found and the fuse box was packed with dust. I was asked what these electricians had done and told them that I left them to it. The last survey sticker was for 2004...I was living here in 2004 and there was no electrical survey (they take about an hour and a half).
The question BCC will NOT answer after being given previous survey dates is just what those who called were supposed to be doing because they moved about the house but did not check electrics. Could it be BCC realised the surveys (4???) had not been carried out which is why they were insistent to SSE that they were? I know council tenants of 20, 30 and even 45 years standing who have never had an electrical survey.
BIG question mark.
Second major annoyance. After we had a new boiler installed by BCC -the other broke down 4-5 times a year since 2004- I noticed a damp patch on the bathroom ceiling. Then I noticed one (two in fact) at the other end of the ceiling. I reported it online. Nothing. I phoned but it was NOT an emergency so the BCC officer would not deal with it. I completed another online repair form -nothing.
On the 20th October 2019 I tried to report the fact that there was water dripping from the ceiling and the damp patch was now wet. This was not, I was told, an emergency and I was to =complete an online repair form (21st October). I was then told someone would come to "look at" the problem on the 14th November. I reported online again that I had wet patches at both ends of the ceiling and water coming through in one area.
This was ridiculous since one damp/wet patch is near the ceiling light switch. I sat down and set Mr Paul Bannerman, Head of Estate Management, an email explaining things. I got the automatic confirmation that the message was received. Absolutely no response.
I am guessing that the fellow who will "look at" the problem will arrive on the 14th.
Here are some photos of what BCC think is acceptable for its tenants but nopt private landlords tenants.
This damp/wet patch is 31" in length but when first reported was around 4" -that patch just above the wall ornament shows the original leak spot.
Below the damp patch

Not surprising since my local Labour MP Karyn Smith did not even bother to offer assistance when asked -and my family have always been staunch Labour supporters going back to both grand parents. My MP seems far too fond of travelling to other counties to get press coverage and forgets WHO voted for her and WHAT area she is supposed to represent.
And so Bristol City Council continue to offer a very poor service to its tenants -I for one am happy spending what time I can these days in my garden and trying to relax. I do not like complaining or being the victim of admitted harassment.
I would urge any tenant of Bristol City Council with a problem to make them known and not put up with it in silence. BCC prides itself on being "Right on" landlords and championing the environment (in the press and on radio and TV) and criticising private landlords for the very things they do.
Speak up.
Mild irritation. BCC and its recycling is a joke. My kitchen waste and black bin often go without being collected for 2-3 weeks (the maximum was over one month). My neighbors have their recycling collected -in fact one chased after a recycling crew member on one occasion to hand him my recycling that he had totally ignored. My waste bin and black box was not returned.
BCC has just brought in cardboard waste bags to keep everything separate. The crew member came and took my waste and black box but did not even look at the very large blue cardboard recycling bag. By the time I got outside he was gone.
I made a complaint and was told that BCC would like a photo of the contents of the recycling bag -I was told the day before that as a missed collection it would be picked up Thursday by 12 noon. It is now Friday, 10:45 am and the waste is still there. No, I am not taking photos of now soaked through card for the recycling team -all the card packaging is clearly labelled "recyclable" anyway -the crewman NEVER even looked at the bag. So I make a formal complaint and here are some of the questions I am asked as a tenant BECAUSE some work shy council employee did not do his job:
What is your sexual orientation?
Have you undergone gender reassignment or are you considering it?
What is your religion?
What is your ethnic background?
There were others but I think that is adequate here. The question is what the hell does any of that have to do with a very poor recycling service?
My bet is the cardboard recycling will be left until next collection -this is what happens 100% of the time with missed waste collection. BCC recycling is a joke.
Major annoyance. I finally got my home in order after years of having to move everything around for BCC for one thing or another and for 4 electrical surveys. I was told in September by SSE contractors that the council had ordered a full electrical survey in October. I contacted SSE and told them when I had already had these surveys (supposedly every 6-10 years). I was told that BCC had insisted the survey was carried out or I was breaching my tenancy agreement (apparently the tenancy agreement ONLY works for BCC -I can prove that).
I contacted Head of Estate Management Mr Paul Bannerman and explained about previous surveys -he cannot deny receiving the email as I got the receipt confirmation back (automatic). Not a word back just SSE stating that BCC had insisted on the survey.
So everything was moved from switches, plugs, light fittings (I live in a bungalow so not much room). Two electricians came to carry out the survey and one asked me when the last survey was. I said 2017 and got a puzzled look and was told that no stickers or documents showing checks were found and the fuse box was packed with dust. I was asked what these electricians had done and told them that I left them to it. The last survey sticker was for 2004...I was living here in 2004 and there was no electrical survey (they take about an hour and a half).
The question BCC will NOT answer after being given previous survey dates is just what those who called were supposed to be doing because they moved about the house but did not check electrics. Could it be BCC realised the surveys (4???) had not been carried out which is why they were insistent to SSE that they were? I know council tenants of 20, 30 and even 45 years standing who have never had an electrical survey.
BIG question mark.
Second major annoyance. After we had a new boiler installed by BCC -the other broke down 4-5 times a year since 2004- I noticed a damp patch on the bathroom ceiling. Then I noticed one (two in fact) at the other end of the ceiling. I reported it online. Nothing. I phoned but it was NOT an emergency so the BCC officer would not deal with it. I completed another online repair form -nothing.
On the 20th October 2019 I tried to report the fact that there was water dripping from the ceiling and the damp patch was now wet. This was not, I was told, an emergency and I was to =complete an online repair form (21st October). I was then told someone would come to "look at" the problem on the 14th November. I reported online again that I had wet patches at both ends of the ceiling and water coming through in one area.
This was ridiculous since one damp/wet patch is near the ceiling light switch. I sat down and set Mr Paul Bannerman, Head of Estate Management, an email explaining things. I got the automatic confirmation that the message was received. Absolutely no response.
I am guessing that the fellow who will "look at" the problem will arrive on the 14th.
Here are some photos of what BCC think is acceptable for its tenants but nopt private landlords tenants.
This damp/wet patch is 31" in length but when first reported was around 4" -that patch just above the wall ornament shows the original leak spot.
Below the damp patch
Below -hopefully the dripping water is clear enough. No heavy rain last few days so it has stopped.
Not a great photo but to the right of the light switch you can see the two spreading out patches -over
Mr Paul Bannerman, Head of Estate Management has copies of these photos and others highlighting the problem and I do wonder two things: how long before the two damp patches meet and would Mr Bannerman accept this in his own home along with the strong musty smell of damp -a health hazard in itself.
Perhaps the Mayor of Bristol, Mr Marvin Rees, ought to spend less time on TV, radio and the papers talking up BCC and see what they are actually doing?
Oh, yes, I still get council officers calling but not clearly identifying themselves/ To stop the ones who think they can wander around the back of the property I have blocked things off.
I remember when BCC were good landlords. And it was bad enough when it stopped employing iots own electricians, carpenters and got in some dodgy contractors but things hit rock bottom when everything moved online with no come back for poor service. BCC closed all its offices long ago
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