Sunday, 10 November 2019

Up date

As I predicted, tomorrow will be the 5th day since the cardboard recycling was not collected.  That will be 4 days after the promised of "missed collections will be collected by 12pm the next day".

If I were a betting man I'd say like every other time before (and there have been many (20 in the last 15 months) the recycling will be left until the next collection.  I will no longer be recycling cardboard until Bristol City Council and its publicity seeking Mayor, Mr Marvin Rees, take recycling seriously and actually collect it rather than using it for publicity purposes.

Head of Estate Management Mr Paul Bannerman is also very noticable by the absence of any form of response.

As for the leaking ceiling reported (again) on the 21st October -nothing.  Apparently a leaking ceiling is something BCC expect its tenants (but NEVER private tenants) to put up with. I am also guessing that the person coming to "take a look" on the 14th will turn up but I shall expect any repair to take months.

People: every tenant that finds themselves with a council that considers them to be nothing more than revenue sources -COMPLAIN.

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